Microdata Surveys

Title Country Microdata Survey Year Range Diet Assessment Methodology Representativeness
National Health and Nutrition Survey Japan 2000-2004 Single Recall National
National Health and Nutrition Survey Japan 2010-2015 Single Recall National
National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES), 2015-2016 United States Multiple Recall National
National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES), 2013-2014 United States 2010-2015 Multiple Recall National
National Food, Nutrition, and Physical Activity Survey of the Portuguese General Population (IAN-AF), 2015-2016 Portugal Multiple Recall National
National Food Consumption Survey in Italy (INRAN-SCAI), 2005-2006 Italy 2005-2009 Multiple Recall National
National Food and Nutrition Survey, Thailand Thailand 2000-2004 Single Recall National
National Dietary Survey (The Baltic Project) (RTU), 1997 Estonia 1995-1999 Single Recall National
National Dietary Survey (RTU), 2013-2015 Estonia 2010-2015 FFQ, Multiple Recall National
National Diet and Nutrition Survey: young people 4-18 years United Kingdom 1995-1999 Single Recall National
National Diet and Nutrition Survey: people aged 65 years and over United Kingdom Single Recall National
National Diet and Nutrition Survey: children aged 1½-4½ years United Kingdom Single Recall National
National Diet and Nutrition Survey: adults aged 19-64 years United Kingdom 2000-2004 Single Recall National
National Comprehensive Study on Household Food Consumption Pattern and Nutritional Status I.R.IRAN, 2001-2003 Iran 2000-2004 FFQ National
National Children’s Food Survey, 2005 Ireland 2000-2004 Multiple Recall National
Multi-centre Study of the Mediterranean Group for the Study of Diabetes (MGSD) Algeria 1995-1999 FFQ Local
Multi-centre Study of the Mediterranean Group for the Study of Diabetes (MGSD) Greece 1995-1999 FFQ Subnational
Monitoring of the nutritional status of particular groups of adult population Slovakia 2005-2009 Single Recall National
Monika healthy heart women study Iran FFQ Local
Mongolian STEPS survey on the prevalence of noncommunicable disease risk factors 2006 Mongolia 2005-2009 FFQ National