Microdata Surveys

Title Country Microdata Survey Year Range Diet Assessment Methodology Representativeness
Enquête sur les facteurs de risque des maladies non transmissibles, Côte d'Ivoire, Régions sanitaires des Lagunes - 2005 Cote d'Ivoire 2005-2009 FFQ Subnational
EPITeen Project Portugal 2000-2004 Single Recall National
EsKiMo Germany 2005-2009 FFQ National
EsKiMo – Ernährungsstudie als KIGGS-Modul Germany 2005-2009 Multiple Recall National
Estado nutricional, consumo de alimentos y actividad fí­sica en escolares mujeres de diferente nivel socioeconómico de Santiago de Chile Chile 2000-2004 FFQ Subnational
Estado nutricional, consumo de alimentos y actividad fí­sica en escolares mujeres de diferente nivel socioeconómico de Santiago de Chile Chile 2000-2004 FFQ Subnational
Estudo do Estado Nutricional e da Dieta em Raparigas Adolescentes na Zambezia (ZANE), 2010 Mozambique 2010-2015 Multiple Recall Subnational
Etude Bus Santé Switzerland 2000-2004 FFQ Local
Etude nationale nutrition santé (ENNS); National Nutrition and Health survey France 2005-2009 Multiple Recall National
Etude nationale nutrition santé (ENNS); National Nutrition and Health survey France 2005-2009 Multiple Recall National
Federal States of Micronesia (Pohnpei) NCD Risk Factors STEPS Report Federated States of Micronesia 2000-2004 FFQ Subnational
Feeding Infants and Toddlers Study 2008 United States 2005-2009 Multiple Recall National
FINDIET 1992 Finland Multiple Recall National
FINDIET 2002 Finland 2000-2004 Multiple Recall National
FINDIET 2007 Finland 2005-2009 Multiple Recall National
Flanders preschool dietary survey Belgium 2000-2004 Multiple Recall Subnational
Fluoride intake of 4 year old Iranian Children Iran 1995-1999 Multiple Recall National
Fogarty et al. United Kingdom Biomarker Subnational
Food and Elderly Chile 2010-2015 FFQ Subnational
Food and nutrient availability in South African Households South Africa 1995-1999 FFQ National