Microdata Surveys

Title Country Microdata Survey Year Range Diet Assessment Methodology Representativeness
No survey name available, unpubl. Data, data provided by the Institute od Biochemical Research of Kaunas University of Medicine Lithuania 2005-2009 Single Recall National
Enquête sur les facteurs de risque des maladies non transmissibles à Madagascar Madagascar 2005-2009 FFQ Subnational
Malaysian Adult Nutrition Survey 2003 Malaysia 2000-2004 Single Recall National
Kiribati NCD Risk Factors STEPS Report Kiribati 2000-2004 FFQ National
The Japan Public Health Center-based Prospective Study (JPHC Study) Japan 2000-2004 FFQ Local
Jordan Behavioral risk factor Surveillance System (JBRFSS) Jordan 2005-2009 FFQ National
Living Conditions Lifestyles and Health Kazakhstan 2000-2004 FFQ National
INN-CA 1994-96 Italy Multiple Recall National
National Food Consumption Survey in Italy (INRAN-SCAI), 2005-2006 Italy 2005-2009 Multiple Recall National
Social and dietary determinants of body max index of adult Jamaicans Jamaica FFQ National
The Japan Public Health Center-based Prospective Study (JPHC Study) Japan 1995-1999 FFQ Local
National Nutrition Survey (in Japan) Japan 1995-1999 Single Recall National
National Nutrition Survey (in Japan) Japan 1995-1999 Single Recall National
The National Teen’s food Survey, 2008 Ireland 2000-2004 Multiple Recall National
INN 1980-84 Italy 1980-1984 Multiple Recall National
North South Ireland Food Consumption Survey (NSIFCS) Ireland 1995-1999 Multiple Recall National
SLÁN, 2007 & SLÁN 1997/1998 Ireland 2005-2009 Multiple Recall National
Non communicable disease surveillance in Islamic Republic of Iran Iran 2005-2009 Single Recall National
SLÁN, 2007 & SLÁN 1997/1998 Ireland 1995-1999 Multiple Recall National
SLÁN, 2007 & SLÁN 1997/1998 Ireland 2005-2009 Multiple Recall National