​Dietary data availability, gaps, and methodological work

Full Title
Global, regional, and national dietary data availability, gaps, and methodological work

Global Dietary Database 2017: data availability and gaps on 54 major foods, beverages and nutrients among 5.6 million children and adults from 1,220 surveys worldwide

Background: We aimed to systematically identify, standardise and disseminate individual-level dietary intake surveys from up to 207 countries for 54 foods, beverages and nutrients, including subnational intakes by age, sex, education and urban/rural residence, from 1980 to 2015.

Defining diet quality: a synthesis of dietary quality metrics and their validity for the double burden of malnutrition


Achieving most of the UN Sustainable Development Goals requires a strong focus on addressing the double burden of malnutrition, which includes both diet-related maternal and child health (MCH) and non-communicable diseases (NCDs). Although, the most optimal dietary metric for assessing malnutrition remains unclear. Our aim was to review available global dietary quality metrics (hereafter referred to as dietary metrics) and evidence for their validity to assess MCH and NCD outcomes, both separately and together.